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Why #3 of the 12 Factor App Matters in App Modernization: The Importance of Config Management

As more and more companies look to modernize their applications and take advantage of the scalability and cost-effectiveness of the cloud, one of the key considerations is how to handle configuration. #ConfigManagement is crucial for ensuring that your application runs smoothly and consistently across different environments, whether that's development, staging, or production.

One of the key principles of the 12 Factor App is that config should be treated as code and managed in version control. This allows for easy replication and rollbacks, and ensures that the same config is being used across all environments. Additionally, this approach allows for easy management of different configs for different environments, such as development, staging, and production.

At Joopler, we understand the importance of config management in application modernization and cloud migration. That's why our assessment process includes a thorough examination of your current config management practices and a road map for implementing best practices, such as using a tool like #Chef or #Puppet for config management and #Vault for secrets management.

By taking this approach, you can ensure that your application runs smoothly and consistently across different environments, and that your teams are able to easily manage and replicate configs. This is an important step towards achieving #DigitalTransformation and reaping the benefits of the cloud.

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